Alexa Voice Service (AVS) in 3.15.0

Check your internet connection. That white page should eventually show the Amazon login page for you to sign in & authenticate the iPad 4. Sometimes it takes a minute. Shouldn’t take any longer though assuming you have a good internet connection.

Thanks for reply sir.

I can confirmed the internet is working fine and good connection. I tried mobile hotspot, home WiFi. They are looking good. ipad 4 running 10.3.3 is supported right? Any others thing need to be installed?

Yes, 10.3.3 is supported. Try rebooting your iPad if it still isn’t working.

Tested on both ipad 4 10.3.3. Rebooted. Login page still not prompted.
Tested on ipad air 1, 12.5.5, Alexa login page authenticated. when insert a command, it prompted only works requires ios13 & above. It work well on Simulator.

Ok, I’m sorry. You will need iOS 13 or newer to use the Alexa stuff. It is using some functions that are only available on iOS 13.

No Worries. I can now safely ignore this feature. Thanks Bill.