Looking for a little help with openweather API setup

Hi all,
Newbee here looking to get some assistance with my first dive into THR.
Trying to build my home page and need a shove in the right direction.
I want to display the Openweather page on my homepage and I have been spinning my wheels for 2 days trying to figure out exactly how you implement the open weather api in The Home remote.
I have my own API key
I have the Openweathermap_Weatheridfix.plugin
I see it should be used in a Web image container but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to do that. (Newbie ignorance)
Could someone point me to some helpful hints or a step-by-step guide to getting this API working in the home remote?
Thank You in advance for any help you can lend.

The 1st step is to make sure attribute storing a valid URL. It looks like that plugin prints the WeatherIcon to the log window. Copy the URL from the log window into Chrome web browser & make sure it shows the image. If Chrome doesn’t display an image either, then the URL is probably bad.

Ok so I am really slow today but are we talking about the log window in windows, the browser or in The Home Remote.
The URL I am using in the property for the weather webimage box is the one I copied from the Openweather webpage and I added my key to it.
If I paste that into a browser, I get back a whole page of comma delimited weather text all divided, and date stamped.

I just dot an email from Openweather that I hit the site like a thousand times, so I have been put on a temporary ban. I left my development tablet up with the page active and even though it does not display on the screen the app is requesting the data.

The log window in the Home Remote Designer.

Increase the PollingInterval. The weather doesn’t change that fast. Set the interval to 900000. With that, the app will poll only 1x every 15 minutes. I think that’s a good number.

Implement HasSubscribers functionality in the plugin if you want conditional polling.

Never noticed that log button before

https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?units=imperial&lat=42-40’58’’ N&lon=089-01’07’’ W&appid=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (myAPI Key)
Response status code does not indicate success: 429 (Too Many Requests).

I will find out how to clear this or I may have to wait 24 hours.

OK so I finally got my open weather logon working after spamming them with unconfigured requests. Here is where I am at, I can open the log file and copy the HTML request to my browser, and I get back the weather info in text format (so far so good).
However, when I place a webimage box on my page and I populate the source with CurrentWeather.Icon and run it in the simulator I don’t see the WebImage box or any content on the page.
I must be missing something fundamental.
I appreciate your assistance with my struggles

If I bind to {Binding CurrentWeather.WeatherIcon} I will get a cloud icon in the window but nothing else seems to display.
Am I missing some formatting to display box’s I neglected to setup to populate?

Something’s wrong. The WeatherIcon should be a URL, not HTML. Copy the URL into your browser & you should see the icon, not text.

@Toddah Read what I asked earlier. It’s only the WeatherIcon URL that we are interested in. Can you please provide that information?

Sorry !!
By copying this http://openweathermap.org/img/wn/04d@4x.png I do see the cloud Icon in my browser
so, it looks like the URL is correct.

If I bind to {Binding CurrentWeather.WeatherIcon} I will get a cloud icon in the WebImage window in the simulator but nothing else seems to display.
Am I missing some formatting to display box’s I neglected to setup to populate?
Do I need to build 7 different windows to display the results like I see in others showcase dislays? is that what I am missing?

What do you mean nothing else seems to display? I’m very confused. It sounds like the WeatherIcon & WebImage are working exactly as they should. You should see the same icon in the HR WebImage that you see in Google Chrome.

Sorry I am trying to figure out how to display the full forcast and current weather page on 1 screen.
I just figure out I had my WebImage window too small to show the current weather icon. I see it now, but I am trying to figure out how to build the entire page of current weather conditions and forecast for the week.
I know it can’t be this hard I am missing some fundamental point of use.

Is there another place where you can read error logs? When I run my page in simulator, I see a message flash on the screen, but I can’t read it fast enough. I am sure that would help me find my issues.
I see the LOG button for tracing what is happening with Web calls and results, but I can’t see errors happening in THR.

I did get the error flashing on my simulator screen
Could not open “C:\users\todd\AppData\Local\Temp\bcbrevhq.vrr\currently”. Error -2; no such file or directory

I have been able to use the example you sent me to get everything off the ground! I have a long way to go but I am making progress! Thank You for your time in helping me understand.
I had to do with teh Plugin Installation, I stripped everything out of the project I had added, and I still got the error about “currently”
I simply started over with you rexample as my base and everything is working now.
I was thinking it was something i had done but alas it was just a project problem all the time.
Thank You again for all your help.

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