Bose T20 Plugin Help

I wouldn’t even bother messing with any strings. Just keep everything in byte form. The value coming into the function should already be numeric. So you shouldn’t even have to convert that. Make sense?

And I don’t think you should be using those square brackets as I said earlier. Try this:

var cs = 0x07 ^ 0x00 ^ 0x01 ^ 0x15 ^ 0x01 ^ value;

Thanks Bill! This was indeed the solution, so now sorted. I just want to tidy up the polling/getting the volume feedback, unfortunately the Bose system does not report the status as feedback to a command and it must be queried form the device. Once this is bit tidier I’ll add the remaining key press command to the plugin before uploading the plugin.

On a different note I’ve also written a Tivo plugin and was wondering if it was possible create a custom attribute within the plugin?

Yes. You can assign custom Attributes to a Device in “onSynchronizeDevices”.