Controlling Hubitat device from Home Remote

Newbie Question here. Trying to control a contact sensor on Hubitat (to lock Schlage Encode) from the Home Remote, but apparently doing the trigger incorrectly. It work on from the Hubitat hub, and via the HTTP listed in Maker App. Been trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong unsuccessfully. Thanks

Does this help?

Thanks. I’ll have to play around a little more and see if I can do something along this line. Was kind of hoping I was just missing something easier, or maybe using the HTTP from the Maker API.

I feel like I just answered this question yesterday. Guess I forgot to send it, anyway…

Normally you’ll use the Lock capability to lock or unlock a door. You wouldn’t use a ContactSensor capability as that is read-only. However, if you’ve got a custom handler you can use the generic Command capability that is described in this post here:

Worked great Bill! Thank you. I’ll have to search the Community Pages harder in the future, so as to avoid questions that have been answered (I actually did try to find it prior to asking).

Thanks for all you do!

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