Denon MediaPlayerDetails in PageBrowser

MediaPlayer is working fine as a device in group folder.
but I am having an issue with sourcebrowser(?) button when it’s running in PageBrowser.

when I click [sourcebrwoser(?)] button, a toast displays.

and here is the test file.
mediaplayer_error.hrp (98.1 KB)

any advise is appreciated.

It’s trying to toggle the AppBar visibility & it can’t. Access to the system bars (AppBar, NavigationBar, & StatusBar) isn’t available when in a PageBrowser context. What you can do is remove the List button’s 2 PropertyActions that are trying to control the AppBar visibility.


Thank you always.

I’ve been thinking about adding an option to the NavigationItem so you can specify the Device for the page. That would eliminate your need to use the PageBrowser like you are currently doing.

Actually I am designing an onepage browsing page with a couple toggle buttons to display different pagebrowsers.
I was inspired by sourcebrowser in mediaplayerdetail and mediacontrollerdetail.

However, the option will help others for sure and me too for other configuration.

Best regards,