Fibaro HC3 - Scene activate

Fibaro support:

It is exactly like you are saying. Unless you are admin you can’t call the API.

I will forward your case to our developers but unfortunately as a support engineer I cannot specify when or if this feature will be implemented.

In my opinion a major security flaw.

Thanks for the info. That’s good to know.

The Home Remote version 3.2.0 was submitted to the stores yesterday. It’s available in Google Play now. Still under review in the Apple App Store.

The update introduces a new Version property on the Fibaro source. Set this to HC3 for your new HC3 controllers.

BTW, I went back to support as their answer is wrong. As a non-admin you can call the API but just not scenes…

I can confirm that after updating and testing it works great with the HC3 & scenes.

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