Homeseer Slider Question

I have Homeseer as my Home Automation server. The light switch in homeseer has 3 attributes. HSStatus, HSValue & HSLastchange.

I am making a custom tile. I do a icon change based on data trigger for On/Off. This is done using
I have added a slider and made it work binding it to HSValue. The slider works as expected.

Now in to the issue:
If I use the slider and am on any value other than 0% or 100%, the icon does not change. I was following a post by another user and he doesn’t seem to have this issue. He told me he uses @Device.Switch

Is there a way for me to make this work?

Add a Label to your page that shows the actual value of HSStatus. Maybe it’s taking a while for your device to report back the correct HSStatus.

The tile does have a label tied to HSStatus. I seems to correctly report the status of the lights. I have seen where you talk about tying a data trigger to a label. Would that be a better way to do this

Then it’s probably something with your DataTrigger setup. You need to use the correct character casing. It should be @Device.HSStatus not @device.HSStatus

The case seems to be correct. When clicking the tile on/off, I see the icon change properly. Its when I turn on the light from an off state to anything other than 100%. The label reports the level properly and the lights turn on but the icon doesn’t change unless I set it to 100%

Weren’t your DataTriggers set up for On/Off?

If you’re Label is showing a percentage, how are your DataTriggers supposed to work?

Review your setup & think about that. You probably need to use numerical values for your DataTriggers. What you could do is default your Label to showing the On icon & add a DataTrigger that shows the Off Icon when the value is 0.

Thanks I will give this some thought. I really appreciate the help

So this Post Solved my issue: Value syntax for DataTrigger

Basically I added a data trigger and binded it to HSValue. Then I created a numeric range using the suggested generator. Made sure and check IsRegularExpression.

Thanks again for the help