SmartLife / Tuya Switch Status feedback question

I have a SmartLife (tuya) Dimmer and Smart Plug setup in HR. and they are working great from HR.
But Status is not updated between iPhone and Simulator, also if i turn the dimmer or plug on/off, it doesn’t update HR in my phone

What could cause the issue?
I am using LightTile with devicebrowser.

Edit 1 : sometimes, status in HR updated later when i revisit the page. it took some times.
Edit 2 : When I started the simulator from windows, all tiles say “Unknown” as a status.

The Tuya integration only polls your devices from the cloud once every 10 minutes. The chances of you seeing status data that’s out-of-sync is very high. The Tuya API service is probably the most restrictive compared to all other Home Remote integrations.

If you want something faster you could possibly look at upgrading to something else. Sonoff devices are pretty cheap to purchase. You’ll see pretty much real time status updates from them. They can be accessed both locally & remotely and they are event driven. There are many other options as well. Belkin Wemo is a local event based integration. Your other option would be to switch to a ZWave hub based solution like SmartThings, Hubitat, HomeSeer, Fibaro, or Zipato.

I see…
Zwave is not an option for me at the moment.

Thank you for a quick answer.

I wonder how Google Home is doing that. There the status of switches and lamps is updated immediately

Google did not develop the Smart Life / Tuya integration in the Google Home app. Tuya wrote that integration using the Google Home / Google Assistant SDK.

The only public API that they have provided us 3rd parties is this tuyapy library. The status/discovery request in that library can only be sent every 10 minutes or they will throw an error. This is Tuya trying to limit 3rd parties from flooding their cloud servers with too many requests. I can understand their reasons for doing that. My wish is that they will at some point provide either an event based or local connect solution.

It would be nice if they could eventually add some APIs like ewelink / Sonoff has. For newer Sonoff devices, they’ve got a local zeroconf service that works very well. When you’re at home, this is used to listen for status changes. When away from home, an event based WebSocket is used to listen for changes.

All I’m trying to say here is, you will find some Home Remote integrations that provide status updates immediately & some that don’t. There’s usually a reason for that.

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Thanks for the explanation.

Is there any possibility of making a script to decrease this 10-minute delay? For example, every 30 seconds updates the status of the homeremote app

No. Like I said, if we poll any faster than 10 minutes the Tuya servers throw an error. Trust me, if there was a way around this I would have implemented it:) Unfortunately this is outside of our control. Tuya would have to update their API services to allow more frequent polling.

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I understand the reason for the delayed status update when it comes to my Smart Life devices, but I am curious why my Iphone app updates a lot sooner than the Android version on my Amazon Fire 7 Tablet, even when they are on the same network. The difference is in minutes. Has anyone had this experience?

Your iPhone may have started it’s polling cycle sooner. It’s going to be a bit random. The timer resets & starts when the app is brought to the foreground.