Hello everyone,
I’ve a question to my TCP connection. The values of color or color temperature or brightness are updating slow when I set them. But only when the Home Remote app “things” it’s connected to the ESP8266.
I found out that the problem not seem to be my Arduino code, because the values in the app also update slow when it’s not connected (but shows not that it’s not connected). But when I’m powering off the ESP while it worked, the app says that it’s not connected and then the values are updating fast while setting them.
I hope someone can understand me and has an idea. PollinInterval of plugin is set to default (0ms). Maybe it’s something in the plugin? I also deleted the labels which are showing the values in case that it takes much time to update them, but it’s not as you can see in the GIFs. I added two GIFs which show the problem (1. slow updating values with connection, 2. fast updating values without connection).
My problem with that is when I set e.g. the color for my WS2812B, it’s not smooth but only changes the colors in “steps”. I also attach the .hrp and Arduino code as .txt. Maybe someone has an idea for faster updating TCP data.
Thanks in advance and best regards,
PS: Sorry for my bad code so far.
test home remote TCP.hrp (2.6 MB)
Arduino code ESP8266 THR.txt (791 Bytes)