Where to download icon packs?

What buttons do you want specifically? Do you want blank buttons that you can modify? Most of my Irule buttons have been modified from their original state. I may have some blanks but not everything from their library. Do you have access to photoshop? I can give you the images from my build and you may be able to pick and choose from that. If you have photoshop I can send you some PSD’s that you can modify. Send me a PM.

Hi John, I’ts mainly the type you have on your page browser tutorial. I’m starting from scratch so any you have for navigation / transport i.e play, forward, back, up, down etc would be great + any brushed black backgrounds you have. I really liked your design and hope to build one similar. It’s a similar look to the irule project I have. My friend has photoshop so any I can modify would be great too. Did you learn this all on your own ? I’m struggling with some of the concepts and must say your tutorials are helping immensely. I would be grateful of any other tips if you have any.

Thanks once again John, I really appreciate your help