About MQTT / plugin setting / settings


I have two devices. both connected to MQTT.
but my MQTT server be aggrieved :slight_smile: what two clients with the same name trying to connected to MQTT server.
ok, let’s change MQTT setting and provide a different name.
but after re-deploy a new version hrp file this setting lost.
the similar situation with plugin setting, after each updates hrp file the setting for concrete device lost.
so, I can’t keep persistent data per device I should always update these settings on each device.

it’s pain.


MQTT client-ID is random by default.
I have checked it in the MQTT broker log, it is working fine.

Maybe it is other problem?

i am talking about manual initialization

mqtt.connect("mqtt://" + plugin.Settings["Username"] + ":" + plugin.Settings["Password"] + "@" + plugin.Settings["Host"] + ":" + plugin.Settings["Port"], { clientId: plugin.Settings["ClientId"]});