Account home remote

Hi I bought the pro version of the apk, which is the procedure for logging in, in order to import the dashboards created with Home Remote design. Thank you

There are no Home Remote logins for Pro. Use the “Restore” function in the app to select the dashboard you created with the Designer.

Ok yes yes reading on the internet I was able to find it working, in your opinion other devices will be added or it is a project destined to die since in the updates there are no additions such as Ewelink.

If you are serious about home automation you should probably invest in hardware that encourages 3rd party integrations. eWeLink has a closed API. It’s hard for developers to integrate with their API. The ones that do can be easily broken as witnessed here.

I would recommend finding hardware like SmartThings, Home Assistant, Fibaro, HomeSeer, or Zipato. They all have published API docs for their systems.

As mentioned in this thread, eWeLink have themselves made their products compatible with SmartThings. You can add eWeLink to a SmartThings account. And Home Remote supports SmartThings.

Ok I did it yesterday, now I just have to develop the dashboard and try everything, unfortunately I’m working in English and with the manuals and videos all in English, however I thank you so much for the information you are giving me you have been very kind