Allonis Smart Remote

Has anyone have experience with the relatively new Allonis Smart Remote?

It is considerably more expensive than THR, but it appears to have the same capabilities as THR. And it is still being supported!

I looked into it recently and spoke with the owner. I like that it’s currently developed and maintained, I also like that it’s more expensive, maybe that will cause it to be successful and stick around for a while. I don’t like that it still rests on one man’s shoulders. Customer feedback showed a steep learning curve. My concern was if the design would be as perfectable as HR. When I spoke to the developer, I asked if you could cater the design pixel by pixel like HR, and his response was “no, why would you want to do that?” Which made me think. There’s a 30 day free trial for the software. I was going to wait to see if Bill comes through on updating the app for the app store and if not, dig into Allonis.

Thank you for your input. I too have mixed emotions about the expense. But, since the product is worth more, that will be encouragement not to just walk away from it, like appears to have happened with THR.

I like that it is not dependent on the cloud. But it does require a local server, one more system to maintain. I was hoping it could live in the same box as my Homeseer server, but it looks like they will not be compatible living together like that.

I plan to peruse their You Tube videos to see if I can learn more about it, before I make the plunge.

I know Allonis has a steep learning curve, but I wonder if it is any worse (or better) than THR’s learning curve.

Yeah, HR learning curve was steeeep. So I don’t think it will be worse, but the same thing again haha. Please report back if you decide to dig in.

Hi guys,
I don’t quite understand the business model.
The software alone is of no use without the server and all the licenses for devices, right? The device license model reminds me a lot of iRule!
If I understood correctly, you would have to sign up for ZWave, IR etc. additional devices. You also have to rely on the existing drivers.
I couldn’t find any information for creating your own plugins.
I already have enough controllers here myself (Vera, Hubitat, GlobalCache, Domoticz, …). All in all, this wouldn’t be a simple replacement for the THR software, it’s a complete switch to another system and everything that goes with it.

I would like to support Bill like some others here to keep THR alive
I hope Bill will get in touch and tell us what happens next.