Another Navigation Page Question/Issue

Perhaps I’m the last to find out, but I discovered by accident that when using App.OpenPage(“page.xaml”) in a script to open a new page, that you can swipe from the left to go back to the previous page. Pure awesomeness!

Unfortunately, it would seem that pages called from the Navigation Page don’t behave the same way, and swiping left will always bring the menu up.

Is there a way to change this behaviour to make it consistent?

(my guess is that it is in fact brining up the last page, which is MainPage.xaml. So programmatically speaking, it’s probably behaving as designed although from a user perspective, I would think that it would take me to the “full” page where the nav menu was called from).

Pages opened from the MainPage/NavigationPage use GoToPage/GoToGroup for its navigation so the stack is cleared & you can’t go back. That behavior cannot be changed. Sliding left while you are on the 1st page selected from that menu was designed to open the navigation menu.

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Thank you Sir!

If you’re ever able to add more customizations to the nav panel that would be awesome (but that’s off topic) :slight_smile: