Audio Authority HLX Matrix Switch

I’m a new THR user creating a setup for my home audio/security/lighting.

My audio distribution uses an Audio Authority HLX, an older A/V matrix switch which uses Telnet. I’ve written a plugin for it which works for switching zones/sources and muting and unmuting – anything where I can send a discrete command for each zone.

My question is about using Home Remote “slider” controls for the volume controls for each of the 6 audio zones I’m using within the Audio Authority HLX. From the available documentation I don’t see any way to pass both the current/live slider value and the audio zone number through to the HLX, unless I use separate plugins for each of the volume controls for the 6 zones.

Is this correct or am I way off?



You do not need separate plugins for each zone unless each zone has its own IP address. Assuming they all share the same IP they can all connect in the same plugin instance. Each zone will have its own Device object in the plugin. I recommend you look at the Monoprice Multizone example. In this plugin the devices are distinguished through the Device Id where the Id is the zone number (Id 1 = Zone 1, Id 2 = Zone 2, etc).

Thank you Bill,

After reviewing your response and the Monoprice example “the light went on”. I’ve set up the plugin with devices for each audio zone, and confirmed functionality with volume slider, muting and zone selection for one of the zones - the rest are just cut and paste.


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My initial setup is almost done - making good progress.

However, I notice that the sliders I’ve set up for each zone volume reset to zero after about 30 seconds of not being used/changed. The actual volume doesn’t change to zero - just the slider display. It’s the same on both my iphone and the PC designer. When being used the sliders accurately change the volume as they are slid back and forth.

Shouldn’t the sliders stay in their last position on the display? Am I missing something?



After 30 seconds they will revert to the actual value from the device object. All you really need to do is update the attribute on the Device object when you send the command.

In onChangeRequest you can add this line of code to update the device object:

device.Volume = value;

Thanks Bill, made the update to the onChangeRequest and everything works.

Different question - is there any way to lock swiping on the iphone? I have 3 tabbed pages in my remote with multiple horizontal volume sliders in the middle of the three pages. When I try to adjust the volume sliders I am more likely to swipe the page than move the volume slider … If I could lock the swiping and just use tabs to change pages I’m sure the volume sliders would work fine - can this be done?



Not currently but what you could do is change the TabBarPlacement to Bottom. TabbedPages with the bar at the bottom are not swipeable.

Thanks. Easy change and it works perfectly!


Related to this topic, I just this week released Open HLX, which may be of interest to HLX owners and The Home Remote developers alike:

It includes a suite of libraries for interacting with an HLX and a CLI, hlxc (perhaps less interesting in this context though it serves a nice template for how to build a client against those libraries).

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And now, the iOS app that wraps this library has been released and open-sourced:

Hopefully, I will be able to get these publishing to the App Store in the near future.

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