Better Documentation?

Just started using this application, and have figured out most of it, but need some assistance. Is there better documentation anywhere? Seems like the one on website is outdated (and most links from within application go to 404). For instance, I have an image button, and I want to go to “Cameras” page when pressed, but when I look at MethodAction, I have no idea what to configure.

The only documentation available is that on the website.

There are also some YouTube videos that can also walk you through some of the topics.

My suggestion would be to start with the apps, not the Designer. Add your devices to the apps & then create a Backup on the Settings page. That Backup file can be edited with the Designer. This way you have a complete & fully functional project file to help get you started.

A little late for that, I already have all my devices setup in application (and quite a bit of design work as well). I have gone through How-To videos but I do not see anything related to “linking” to another page. Can you please explain how to accomplish that?


You will use a MethodAction to open another page. The post below goes over all of the variable page navigation methods.

Thank you! I’ll read through and see if I can figure it out