Can you program 2 IR code in same button

I have created a home remote to automate the factory reset of a TV, after factory reset , it ask to press 2 buttons on the remote same time(last & 6).

Is there any way to attach a button on remote with 2 actions on the back( for ex- Press 1 & 6 same time & hold it for 5 seconds)

Any help will be appreciated ?

Hi Kapi,
the short answer - it is not possible to send two IR commands at the same time.
Im sure your remote can’t also send two commands or a mix of them at the same time - when you press two buttons on your remote, it will send a discrete IR command to your TV.
Which transmitter for HR did you use? (Global Cache, BroadLink, …)

For example a IR Hex Code for an LG TV:

Thanks for the reply, I am using global cache’, I am using Motorola remote to automate using when I push two button together to skip the option, I want to automate using macro script that can be run.

You can take a look here Database | Global Caché Control Tower maybe you can find the discrete Code here.

Hi Kalle, thanks for your messages,

I have IR code for both the remote buttons, but not sure how to add both IR code to one button function.

Hi Kapi,
it is not possible to send two IR commands at the same time. You need a discrete Code for your device - maybe you can find it in the Global Cache tower files.

Thanks for quick response!!!

Do you have an exact Model name for your IR device?

Motorola remote 0514 + set top box

I am very confused, in your first post you talked about doing a factory reset on a TV.
Now you talk about a set-top box and a remote control 0514 (I assume this is universal remote control or?)
What is the name of the Motorola set-top box (model name)? This is what I meant with “exact Model name for IR device” :wink:

Sorry for the confusion, I am automating the remote control using home remote designer app.
Remote- universal remote P265v5 RC TV STB

IR device- Glibal cache’ GC-100

P265v5 TV STB is a Universal remote
Global Cache GC100 is the IR Blaster
But what is the name of the TV model or the STB receiver model? The device you want to control?

Verizon Steam TV model F3544K49203

Hi Kapi,
sorry, I didn’t find any discrete Code for your device.
You can try to learn the IR Code with your GlobalCache GC100 when you press the two buttons on your remote - if this is possible, let me know.

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