Coming events from ICS calendar plugin

Our local school has created a Google calendar in which they list activities for the coming weeks. Over the time it has become quite important to check regularly not to miss anything. So I decided that this is something which needs to be shown in my home dashboard display next to front door.

Technically I guess “the way” would be to add calendar to your own calendar and then login to google services and use their API. But it felt too much for just getting short list of events which in this case are mostly updating once per day.

So I created a plugin instead which reads the calendar as ICS file and then parses it. Results are saved as an array of all coming events (well, max500) and ten next coming events as single variables. For myself I ended up using the array with Gridview component, this gives a way to show number of events but also a way to scroll further to future if needed.

The source code for the plugin is available at:

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