Control buttons greyed out on new project

Newbe. Created a couple of buttons to turn Insteon devices on/ off through Homeseer and worked. saved project down worked later. Went to start a new project and now the controls in the designer ribbon are all greyed out. I can’t pick a control. I uninstalled the designer and reinstalled… Same issues. I am sure I am missing something.



Do you have a XAML file open? Make sure you double-click a .xaml file. Those controls aren’t available until you open a page to edit.

Bill thanks. I am sure it is me. I was following the StatusAV youtube. For some reason even when I click on the XAML file they are still greyed out. I will continue to play with this. I can pull up a saved project they are there. When I try a new file it is just greyed out.



Are you sure you are double-clicking the XAML file? Attach screenshot if you can.

Sorry, I should have said any page except MainPage.xaml. That’s the side navigation drawer. You can only add Menu Items (xaml links) to that. Either create a new page or open a page in the Templates folder.

Thanks Bill. I tried a template and it worked. I will be on on the hunt for a very basic overview of the Explorer Hierarchy. I was able to muddle and create some buttons on my first attempt with device triggers etc. I thought I understood the relationships of the objects. I obviously do not. I plan to spend some quality time on you tube. The product looks amazing. I have not coded since my VB6 days…(just dated myself).
Thanks again for your help.
