Denon volume setting

I own a Denon receiver AVR-X3200W and I am useing the Home Remote as a replacement of iRule for a little while. Volume stting with a slider linkrf to Mainsone.Volume worked well until a few months. Now the slider is set to 0 at start and when I set a given volume, it sends it correctly to the receiver but after a couple of seconds, the slider reverts back to 0. Same with + or - buttons, but here it always starts from 0.
From the designer same behavior.
Now to understand where it comes from, I created in the designer a simple page, with a Denon device and with just a slider and a label for volume. Same behavior than with the full design. Now if I run the same simple page with a previous version of the designer, ie the function works appropriately, setting and reporting the good value.
What has changed between 3.0.14 and 3.11 that made the volume reporting fail?

Are you using the official integration or the plugin?

Bill, this is with the official integration.
Tried with a plugin using TCP, and this reports adequate volume level.

I’ve put together a simple page that will allow you to test the volume controls for the official integration. Please update the URI on the Denon source & run the simulator.

Are you still having this issue with my project?
Denon_Volume.hrp (4.0 KB)

Thanks Bill for your support. Just realizing that the email sent as response did not make the way to you.
So here are the results I get with your example:

Using either version of the designer and with the example as it is, just changing the IP address of the receiver, none will work. It does not either allow synchronizing the device. When I add the Denon device I did see that the URI shows wihout the :8080.
So coming back to your example and if I remove the :8080 from the URI, the older version of the designer (3.0.14) will work properl, showing the right db level and the slider positions properly. The newer version of the designer (3.11) behaves as described, ie the volume is sent to the amplifier and labels are ok, but after a few of seconds the slider comes back to 0 as well as the labels revert to -80db.
Any other test that I can run localy to help you investigating this issue (http command I can run from the browser, …)?



I am seeing the issue now if I change my decimal separator from ‘.’ to ‘,’. This will be fixed in the next release 3.11.1. I’ll try to get that out later this week.

Great! Thanks Bill for the continuous work you provide for this fantastic tool.