DirecTV Genie Plugin (Controlling Genie Mini's)

I was looking for a plugin that controlled Genie Mini devices connected to a Genie server device (either Genie 1 or Genie 2) but couldn’t find one so put this together.

In my setup, this works to control a Genie Mini (C61K) connected to a Genie 2 headless server.

You’ll need to provide:

genieServerIP = (IP address of server device, either Genie 1 or Genie 2)
genieMiniMAC = (MAC address of the Genie Mini you want to control, just letters and numbers, no colons)

Normal remote functions are supported as well as tuning directly to a channel by passing the channel number to the TvChannel.Number binding.

Probably will clean this up and add more functionality in the future (ie polling of getTuned status for program name, info, etc., like in the native DirecTV integration).

FYI - I did not include commands to power the Genie Mini off or on. You can’t power them on via IP control (not possible) so logically I’m just leaving mine on all the time. No need for a power off command. In the future, I might add IR functionality to do that.

DirecTVGeniePlugin-v1.plugin (3.8 KB)