Dynamic DNS HomeSeer

Is there a way to enter a dynamic DNS (No-IP) into the HomeSeer device properties?
Every time I do so, THR is not liking it.
Thank you.

Yes. If you are using No-IP or DYN just be sure to include all relevant connection info in the IP Address / Host field like screenshot below. The Username & Password on that dialog are HomeSeer controller credentials, not No-IP/DYN.



Were you able to get this to work? I’m unable.
using your_dyn_server:your_dyn_port in a browser, i’m able to get to my home seer. but using the full string in the IP Address example here, i get “An error occurred while sending the request” I get the same error if i don’t use the dynusr:dynpwd@ portion of the IP address.
Any ideas?

Tried everything I could think of but no joy.
Reverted back to MyHS for now.

You can’t use HTTPS with this. With the current implementation, you’ll need to use HTTP. I wonder if that is your issue.

Thanks Bill, I’ve tried with both HTTP and HTTPS with no luck.

I don’t currently have a system to test, but I added this capability for a different user several months back. To the best of my knowledge it is still working for him. If you’re open to sharing your URL with me I’d be happy to take a look at it. Feel free to private message or email me the relevant info.

Don’t include HTTP or HTTPS in the IP Address field & be sure to leave MyHS unchecked. Your dialog should look exactly like mine below with only 1 exception. If you have local authentication enabled in HomeSeer you’ll need to fill in the Username & Password fields with your HomeSeer credentials.

Please test using a standard IP Address first. Do not attempt to connect through DYN without 1st validating it can connect using your local IP.

Bill, thanks for the help. I was able to get it working. Seems it wanted my homeseer user and pwd in the place of dynusr:dynpwd.

Appreciate the assist, very helpful.

Next task for me is to get my marantz receiver communicating via serial port on a global cache gc-100-12. Trying to migrate everything from iRule as that seems to be a dying platform. THR seems to be pretty solid, looking forward to getting it all working.



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