Fibaro door sensor - get state

Can anyone help me? I like to get read out data from Fibaro door sensor, I like to know if the state of the sensor, if it is closed or open.
I have made a lablel - {Binding WashingRoomWashingRoomDoor.Contact}
If you anyone can guide me to how to … it will be great.

That should work. What do you currently see when running the simulator? Have you verified the device named “WashingRoomWashingRoomDoor” has the ContactSensor capability?

I get the value “unknown” .

The capabillity for the sensor is.

If I try battery instead I get value 35% ( WashingRoomWashingRoomDoor.Battery)
Or if I do WashingRoomWashingRoomDoor.Temperature I get 21,6°

Did you manually edit anything on this device? The Id field or Capabilities? I’d probably need to examine the JSON to see exactly why this isn’t working. Can you send me the response from the link below?


Just email it to me at

The email is on the way with attachment with txt file.

Just finished reviewing the data you sent. I see the issue. Your controller appears to be returning actual boolean values for the state of Fibaro devices with the type com.fibaro.doorWindowSensor. All Fibaro controllers I’ve worked with before have always used a boolean string for this device type, so the Home Remote is expecting to see something like "true" or "false", not true or false. I wonder if Fibaro maybe just recently pushed out a firmware update that could have changed this. I can fix it but this is going to require an app update. I’ll try to get an update posted sometime tomorrow.

This has been fixed in the 3.1.3 release.

It is working perfectly in the new version.

Br Hrannar H