Generic button? (inherit device definition)

I setup a button to work the way I like with my lights. The device is “hardcoded” in 4 or 5 places (triggers, binding, conditions, etc)
So if I copy that button many times, I need to edit those places for each of my lights.
Is there a “container” that I could bind to a device root, and all elements inside refer to attributes of that device?
That way each button needs to edited once.
Or even better: can I bind a container to group of devices, so it repeats for each one?

I tried grids, stacks, gridviews, but I can’t find a way to do this without manually editing every reference of attribute for each device.


Create a generic XAML template for your lights that uses the @Device for your bindings. Then create a Group for your lights & bind a DeviceBrowser control to that Group.