Generic sensor Sitesensor plugin Vera

I use the “Sitesensor” plugin in Vera to retrieve weather data via Wunderground API. These data are data from my own weather station exporting data to Wunderground but also weather forecast data from Wunderground for my city (in Holland by the way).
Some data like temperature and humidity including the forecasts are visible fine in Home Remote. But other data like atmospheric pressure, wind direction, wind speed and short phrases that implicate the weather (like “sunny” or “heavy rain”) are not visible. I can add the devices but the data is not visible.
An example from the sdata json:
{ “name”: “WS Regen Dagtotaal”, “altid”: “ch5”, “id”: 18, “category”: 4, “subcategory”: 0, “room”: 4, “parent”: 13, “light”: “3.05”, “armed”: “0”, “armedtripped”: “0”, “configured”: “0” }
(name is Dutch and means Rain Total Today and the value is 3.05 mm)

In Sitesensor in Vera these are implemented as “GenericSensor”
In TheHomeRemote they are implemented as “ContactSensor” with only capability “Contact”
How can I change this in TheHomeRemote so I can see the values which can also be words/short phrases. Preferrably in the standard Groups/Subgroups ?

Which of those JSON values are you wanting to show? I don’t see any value in there that indicates the weather like sunny or rain.

I only showed example of the totaal rain amount. Will post another example in a few minutes

{ “name”: “VERW NACHT Weerbeeld”, “altid”: “ch8”, “id”: 41, “category”: 4, “subcategory”: 0, “room”: 5, “parent”: 33, “light”: “Lichte regen”, “armed”: “0”, “armedtripped”: “0”, “configured”: “0” }, { “name”: “VERW NACHT WIndricht”, “altid”: “ch6”, “id”: 39, “category”: 4, “subcategory”: 0, “room”: 5, “parent”: 33, “light”: “Z”, “armed”: “0”, “armedtripped”: “0”, “configured”: “0” }

First one is expected weather for coming night. “Lichte regen” means “light rain”.
Second one is expected wind direction for coming night “Z” means South

  1. Add “light” to the Attributes on the object.
  2. Copy & paste the existing “HumiditySensorTile.xaml” file & rename it to “CustomWeatherTile1.xaml”
  3. Open “CustomWeatherTile1.xaml”.
  4. Change the Text binding for the Label in the bottom left corner to @Device.light.
  5. Assign “CustomWeatherTile1.xaml” to the TileTemplate property on the device object.

You can choose whatever names you want in step #2.

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Hi Bill, many thanks ! this is working. I will post a screenshot when I have them ready

I managed to do it !

Top 8 tiles represent current weather data from my weather station. Bottom 8 tiles reprecent forecast data.

Now further with next steps of adding all my Vera and Homecenter devices into Home Remote

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I am also using SiteSensor in Vera. I noticed that accessing the SiteSensor data does not require using child sensors. In HomeRemote just add val1, val2, …, val8 to Attributes and data is available. Child sensors might be usable for temperature, humidity, etc. values where HR has ready templates.

This also brings question why HomeRemote is adding only known gategory devices from Vera. If gategory is not known, why not to add it as “Misc. Sensor” or something. And add all available attributes so that user can do whatever wants.

Now wondering why this even works. val1-val8 is in “sdata” query, but accessing Vera data should happen with “status” query?

I can look into doing that for a future release. For the time being though, you’ll have to add them manually.

Maybe add an option whether Vera uses sdata or status data queries? Or make separate devices?

Perhaps. Maybe in the future release.