Home Remote in Google Play [Fixed]

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, but the Home Remote is available on Google Play again.

Google removed it because it wasn’t built with their latest SDKs, but that’s fixed now.

There aren’t many changes, but I did remove the Pro In-App purchase and the requirement for it on Designer projects. So, if they ever remove it again, you won’t have to worry about that banner message. It still has all of the same capabilities.


Hi Bill,
I and I’m sure a lot of other people are glad you got in touch.
How can we support you to keep the project alive?



With the pro requirement removed I would love to see the designer program and app be made open source so the community can take some of the burden off maintenance and help bring new features similar to the home assistant model.

This also means the project isn’t reliant on one person and can continue as long as the community is willing to maintain it.

Including a buy me a coffee style link for those looking to financially support development.


I have been considering open-sourcing it for a while now and am not ruling it out. However, I would like to review and clean up the code a bit before making it publicly available.


Hi Bill,
this is great news and it is above all very generous.
I can’t understand why controller manufacturers like Hubitat, Ezlo, Fibaro, GlobalCache, SONOS, LG, Samsung etc. have not supported you in your work, because it would have been to their own advantage. Each of these manufacturers has their own solution and to my knowledge none of them have a decent dashboard designer.
I’ve been in the HA dashboard community for a very long time (iRule, NetIO, …) - and none but Bill could really offer a flexible and customizable dashboard designer software.
Here is an example of how terrible and confusing dashboards look that other software providers offer as the ultimate solution. Also, it can only be used with Hubitat and or Smarthings.

The learning curve with THR is not much higher than with other software solutions, but with the help of the videos by John Lattarulo or Yorkshire Automation and a few others and above all with the help of the forum and the members active here, you can find a solution for every problem, if there is a solution.
The creation of plugins is ingenious and can even be done by people without programming knowledge with the help of examples and AI such as Copilot or ChatGPT.


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That would truly be a gift and a legacy.


Hi, is it just me or is it not in the Google Play store again?

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Hi George,
you are right - it is not in the PlayStore again.
I have the apk file for Version 4.5.1, but I don’t no if it is aloud to upload here the file.


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hello we’re going to do, if it can’t be downloaded again it will be that Bill will help us or he will no longer support us

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