Home Remote Pro show Infos from Enigma2 satellite Receiver

I come from Germany. My English is not so good.
I use the Home Remote Pro with a Harmony Hub.
i have an enigma2 linux satellite receiver. This receiver has a web interface API.
I would like to display the following information on the Home Remote:
Current TV station (CurrentService)
Name of the current show
What do I have to do for it?
Many thanks for your help!

Best regards

Either create your own plugin (which needs JavaScript knowledge) or add Home Assistant to your setup and use the Home Assistant integration within The Home Remote. Home Assistant has an integration for Enigma2: Enigma2 (OpenWebif) - Home Assistant

Hello, thank you for the tip.
I’ll try it first via Home Assistant.

Best regards

Hello, I have been using Home Assistant for 2 months. Everything is going well and I have the Open WebIF integration installed. My Home Assistant shows me the following information:
Picon of the TV channel
Name of the TV channel
Name of the current broadcast.

So far I only see the picon and the name of the TV channel on my THR.
What do I have to set so that I can also see the name of the current program?


Hi King-Astra-28,
leider habe ich dein Post erst jetzt gelesen, da dass Forum “zu gespammt” war. Bist Du noch an einem Plugin für THR interessiert?
Die Erstellung eines Plugins ist kein großer Aufwand und ich kann dir dabei helfen. Ich bräuchte die API Befehle für deinen receiver und kann dann mal schauen was ich machen kann.



Hello King-Astra-28,

Unfortunately, I only read your post now because the forum was “too spammed”. Are you still interested in a plugin for THR?

Creating a plugin is not much effort and I can help you with that. I would need the API commands for your receiver and then I can see what I can do.

