How do you select between chromecast devices using combo box and page browser?

I have four chromecast devices. I created a separate page that contains the controls and am loading that page using a page browser on my dashboard.xaml page. On dashboard.xaml I have a combo box that contains the list of chromecast devices. I thought I’d bind the page browser (medial controls) to the combo box selected value. But I’m trying to figure out how to bind the controls themselves so that they are generic and handle different devices.

I’m sure I’m missing some steps but would love some advice/help.


Have you watched my page browser video? It pretty much shows how to share 2 tv’s with shared controls and common commands. Sounds like your senario.

Thanks @Tarkus. I watched the video, and I tried to use the @Device.MediaCommand to bind to the buttons, but when I try it in the emulator I get “The Cast Host Not Set”.

Here’s a sample project I put together to illustrate where I am at the moment.
HRChromecast_ComboBox_PageBrowser_v02.hrp (1.6 MB)

Are you sure that the PC is can connect to them? Do they work in the simulator with the original Backup you created from the mobile app? Based on your post from this other topic you created, it sounds like your PC isn’t able to find/connect to them.

When I load the original backup on my tablet, I can see my officeTV mirroring, but if I try to stop the mirroring on the tablet, nothing seems to happen (none of the controls are working).

Does it work if you add a Play/Stop Button to Page1.xaml that isn’t using the ComboBox or PageBrowser? Are you certain this is a ComboBox/PageBrowser issue?

After I tried the original backup project file ony tablet, I’m now thinking there’s something wrong with the chromecast devices themselves.

Okay I tried the original project on my android phone (before I did the backup) and I can control my chromecast. So it seems like the issue is either related to my fire tablet or trying to use the backup project

Further updates: I’ve made some progress. Looks like some of the issue was my Amazon Fire 10 tablet. Because it’s Amazon, I had to install Google Home so that chromecast would work on the tablet.

The remaining issue I’m trying to figure out is that if I cast from my laptop (Mac) via the Chrome browser, then I seem to not be able to control the casting from another device. Either way these don’t seem to be related to the Combo box/chromecast in HR as the issue.

It looks like I can control the chromecast casting from my laptop if I use Google Home on either my phone or Fire tablet, but I can’t seem to control it from Home Remote.

Another Update: Okay, so I think the limitation is if I try to cast a chrome browser tab. If I cast something from an app or website that has casting built-in It seems to work on the tablet.

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