I would probably pay like $100 for Home Remote to offer an hr_alexa.exe command line tool

hr_alexa.exe /cmd “Play my liked songs on Spotify”. This is functionality I’ve been looking for, for such a long time, and can’t figure out how to accomplish it. Then I saw that The Home Remote now accepts direct Alexa commands in the GUI. Developers, please oh please, make this possible for me. :slight_smile:

You can use Home Remote shortcuts to do this.

You sir, are a living legend. I’m going to try this out tonight when I get home from work. Thank you!

Edit: I am struggling. Since the Alexa device types are scenes and not switches, I have tried both Devicename.Switch=On and Devicename.Scene=On

I’m techy by nature but not excellent with code and syntax. Is there a reference somewhere on this forum for the proper syntax of homeremote:// calls? Also, THR has to be invoked for this, which means the THR remote Window takes over the screen that I’m on. Would there be any way to prevent this?

There’s no way to prevent the app from opening in the Window. Try leaving the value blank after the equals sign.
