I have added “GenericSensor” to the capabilities array for my device in the plugin so I can capture arbitrary text from the device, using the reference @ Capabilities | The Home Remote (I also did a search both here and on the old groups but didn’t find anything about this specifically).
The device syncs perfectly and the Sensor capability shows up in the list as well as in the drop-down when trying to bind to a control (in this case, a label). Console log output shows the feedback is being captured. However, the text box isn’t picking up the text.
As an experiment, I swapped “GenericSensor” for “MediaInputSource” and it works perfectly.
I don’t know if this is an issue with the Generic Sensor, my idiocy, or I’m trying to do something that isn’t possible.
Can someone recommend the best way to do this?
Some code snippets:
var device = plugin.Devices[plugin.Name];
console.log(varSensor); //string is correctly set
device[“Sensor”] = varSensor; // doesn’t get picked up by the text box
device.Capabilities = [“MediaControl”,“MediaInputSource”,“Switch”,“GenericSensor”];
Control’s text settings:
Device binding = mydevice.Sensor