Keep track of devices state

Hi! I’m a newbie with Home Remote and it looks like very good!
But I have one question, as per title:

I would like to save the devices state into a log file to read them in a certain moment. E.g., it could be interesting to know in which rooms there were a movement during the night to know if the tenant doesn’t sleep well. Is it possible to do this?

Thank you very much for your work!

Think of Home Remote more as the front-end UI. If the app is not in the foreground it will not save the device state since it disconnects.

You’ll need some sort of hub to store values. Your tenant may sleep better knowing your not logging them :laughing:

Ahahahah :sweat_smile: :rofl:
It is for them that I want to keep track of their movement. They are old people.
Anyway, I thought it was possible to set a kind of global variable whenever a condition is met, but clearly it’s not.

Thank you very much

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