Label Text Binding in Designer

All of the sudden I am unable to bind label text to a device in the Designer, whether I work on an existing project file or a brand new one. Anyone else experiencing this issue? I am using the Designer on Windows 10, and have not had this issue before.

Check the About screen to make sure that you are using the latest version. is the latest.

Sorry to bump the old topic; on version it is also nowhere to be found.
Has it been replaced or something?

I cannot confirm this, it works as it should (Vers.
Try a new installation or install THR on another computer and check whether this also occurs there.

The only error I have is that in none of my fields that have a device binding the binding is not displayed in the properties after reopening the field.
This is not a big problem for me, as I usually know the device connection - if I don’t remember this, I can look it up in the XAML view.

Fresh install (uninstall first) did the trick, very odd.

Anyway happy here :slight_smile: