MainPage organization

Hi all.
I would to make some organization on my MainPage.
I’ll explain: I would that the Page “CUCINA”, “CAMERA”, “BAGNO2” are indented more than “CASA” to show that they are rooms of “CASA”.

Is that possible?

You can create tabbed pages, or you can indent the names by prefixing the title using spaces (Or something like " - ") at the start like this:

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You could probably add some different icons for a similar effect, too.

Thanks @Mark_Manning.
Just a question: I’ve created a TabbedPage but it does not appear indented in MainPage. It should be?
Anyway, writing spaces before the name is a good idea.


The tabbed pages is a bit different to what you asked for, I was just suggesting a potential alternative. The tabbed pages will give you the main headings in the menu down the left and then the tabs along the top - but only once you go into its parent page.

Ah ok, it was an alternative.
Thank you very much @Mark_Manning :slight_smile: