As getting more experienced with THR, I noticed that i quite often have to create the same things over and over again. Also, I need quite often virtual variables to make it work at all.
So two ideas for making my life easier…
Logical “OR” operator for conditions defined for an action.
For conditions, we can now use only “AND”. E.g. In my project I have 7 virtual variables. I have an event that should be fired if only one (and no other) of them is flagged as true.
"If … then" then construct for actions.
E.g. in a scene some actions should only be performed when my receiver is “Off”. Now I have to define the exact same condition for every action. Also, I sometimes have to create virtual attributes to make my actions work. E.g. the actions turn receiver on, wait 3 seconds, select a setting should only be run if the receiver is off, but I can’t check for a condition receiver is off in the delay action (because receiver is on then).