Marantz monitor out 2

Which command to use for choosing monitor output (1. or 2. HDMI) of Marantz 7013?

VSMONIAUTO - Autodetect
VSMONI1 - set to HDMI 1
VSMONI2 - set to HDMI 2

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Here are Capabilities under Main Zone, how to know which one is for output?
Any tutorial for this question?

I wasn’t able to find anything in the capabilities list, that’s why I provided the raw codes.

In fact, it doesn’t look like Home Assistant provides a native command for this. the best they can provide is a generic “get_command” that will allow you to send any serial or IR command.

What you can do is create a custom plugin to send those commands directly to the telnet port. I would have suggested a TCP device with just the two values (that would be much simpler), but I don’t think that’s still supported.

Hmm, too complicated. Do you know some other better app? Irule was nice.

Yes iRule was very nice. THR does have a steep learning curve but it does get easier.

For this, let me put something together for you.

I’ve put together a project which is based on an older one I used (I never updated it to use the plug in framework because frankly, I just found it more intuitive.

I had to use a free upload service as the file is too large for this forum (might be good to increase the size limits to encourage people to share projects). File linked below @ [1].

While everything is called Denon, Marantz should be the same. Everything except the volume slider should be using the TCP device.

Everything works, but as I just realized, the VSMONI commands are only supported on Japan models. Thus I won’t be able to test and possibly the reason why it’s not in the native integration (@bill would need to take the time to chime in on that).

To help, I added some buttons to help with your debug.

Don’t forget to change the IP on both devices when you load it up.

Good luck and don’t be afraid to reach out to me with more questions.

[1] - Upload files for free and transfer big files easily.

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It works on my receiver.
I need to fit it on Iphone 12 screen. There are no Iphone’s projects as I can see. Do you know where to find it?

This was my own design based on a iPad resolution.

You can change the scale using the designer; pick the resolution that works best for you, then move the controls around.

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I am learning. Next step is making 3 pages, Home, TV, SetBox. Do you have some example how to do it?
Some tutorial.

You might consider starting with the videos here [1] so we can establish a basic knowledge. We cal look at specific challenges from there. Sound fair?

[1] How-To Videos | The Home Remote

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Of course.
I am just watching Mr. Lattarulo. :slight_smile:

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In meantime… I have some Shelly lights and relays ( Can THR see them as devices?

From a search it seems someone made a plugin for the relays. It doesn’t seem like Shelly is natively supported, though. Someone was asking @bill about it as a feature request earlier in the year; response still still pending.

What you could do, if you’re so inclined, is install node red on a system/docker container. There is Shelly support in node red and it’s easy to get node red and THR to interact (this is how I personally work around anything that THR can’t do natively). Add a Home Assistant VM, another Home Bridge container to interact with Home Kit, and a last container for MQTT and you’ll have a very powerful automation framework with MQTT and device configs in THR.

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I am using Shelly through HA and have Light commands. For now, its ok.

One question more. Can I copy Triggers from Image to Image button (want to change Image to Image button but not to write all commands of Image again)?

The HA implementation in THR is quite good. So if you have devices already configured in HA, it should be easy to get them working in THR as well (in fact, the more I can keep outside of THR, the better, as it gives the tablet less to do and thus should conserves battery better).

Unfortunately, I don’t think you can change the control type and keep the configuration. At least I’ve never found a way to do that myself. What I suggest you do is create the Image Button, then toggle back and forth between the two, copying and pasting the triggers (keep in mind that you can’t paste a trigger unless something already exists, so create a dummy one then delete it afterwards).

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I am creating Marantz menu and can not find TUNER output (as PC, XBOX, etc.)
There is some Mar…Inputsource, but no syntax for that.

Be sure to right click on the device entry and synchronize your device. If it is still not there, create new TCP Device variables using the Denon/Marantz RS232 command reference as a guide.

That being said, I’m starting to think you might be looking for something that is more plug-and-play. You might consider checking out Roomie if that’s the case, as this really is more a DIY platform.

I am now in THR and must finish my work :slight_smile:
Must be some example for DENON outputs - Tuner.