Whoa - went down a rabbit hole trying to install the Home Remote Designer on my Win7 PC. (after following the existing win7 install thread on this site which seemed to die last October)
Downloaded the msix bundle (never heard of that before as I have never used win10). That lead me to looking into what they are and found you can rename them to .zip and do an extract. Did that to a couple levels, first the msixbundle then the msix file.
Well, that extracted everything to a folder and then I tried running the exe. Got a message that that I needed to install more .NET files so responded to that prompt and got a dotnetupdate to run. Tried that and still getting that message whenever I run the homeremote executable. Kind of turned into a dead end.
Figured I try the msix install method and downloaded the msix core and installed it. After which, I tried double clicking the msix file again but some command prompt window opened, printed something and closed faster than I could read it.
Right clicked on the msix file to see properties and poked around there. tried the option to run in win7 compatibility mode and checked another box (run as admin I think). Well at least then I got a new readable window from the msix installer saying that the Homeremote installed failed as I needed a new certificate.
Looked that up on google which lead me down a deeper rabbit hole on windows powershell. Never used that before either! Progressed with that a bit to actually set the execution policy…
Ended up at:
Create a certificate for package signing - MSIX | Microsoft Docs where I followed the instructions to create my own certificate and typed that crazy long string in from the microsoft site and ended up with the following error in powershell:
OK, now I can’t copy and paste that huge error but it starts:
The term “New-SelfSignedCertificate” is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file…
Pretty much at the end of the line.
How come there isn’t just an old setup.exe file or something us old farts know how to use?
Any advice or other threads to check?