My Showcase (updated for 2022)

Hi Martyn,

Regarding your “change to the Weather Forecast page that has a context relevant background video with transparency…” Do you achieve different backgrounds by having a script or plugin that loads a different video depending on the context?

Yeah its pretty easy… the text on the page says something like “Right now it is Clouds”… or “Right now it is Clear”… and I just trigger a data change on that and load the appropriate video.


I’ll have a proper poke around and play with the hrp some more & “hopefully” leave you alone for a bit :grin:


Ok I lied! @Martyn_Barnett - Can you point me in the right direction please with how to change the labels of the temperature devices - Honeywell Evo home TRV’s in my case. I’ve renamed each TRV in the Honeywell app to ensure room names don’t clash with other devices in the same room but Visually on the dashboard I just want each label to say Lounge, Kitchen, Study etc . I’m using my porch outdoor motion sensor to report temperature ( not ideal as its in direct sunlight - that will change when I put another at the rear of the house in a shady spot) and want the label there to say just Porch. I am, sure its probably simple to do but I cant see it… perhaps overlaying a new text label and making the original invisible?

I also would like to show and be able to switch the hot water on off control


Hi Steve

So, all of those “tiles” are Page Browsers. They are using the template tile called ThermostatDetailsMB which you will find in the Templates Folder.

When you edit the Template Tile, you will see that the NAME of the Tile is set as the Device Name that is sent into the Page Browser

so you should just need to check that the Device that you pass into the PageBrowser has the right DeviceName in your device list… and voila…

Here’s the example from one of my Heatmiser device…

You can see that it is going to use the DisplayName “Ensuite” as the text header in the Tile.

Did that help ?

Thanks Martyn, I get it now. I hadn’t noticed that the device name can be changed at device level on the list of devices linked to the Honeywell system. . The penny took a while to drop !

Lol. You’re welcome. Anytime Steve.

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Hi @Martyn_Barnett this looks great, do you mind sharing the HRP file with me so I can use as a base, please and thanks sir. :smile:

@Martyn_Barnett any possibility on getting this?

Hi Ameet… sure… what’s your email address ?

Hi Martyn This looks beautiful, I’m just starting out and could learn so much from your project, do you mind sharing, Thanks.

Sure… send me your email address…

Hi Martyn
Amazing job!
Could you share the hrp file?
My email
Thank you

Hi Martyn. Your work is pretty amazing! I am fist time navigating here and I am excited to start making my customized layout. Would you mind to share your hrp file to inspire me?

Hi Martin, what a fantastic, terrific job ! I’m really impressed.
Would you agreed share your hrp (for both iPad & iPhone) ?

Thank you

Hi Martyn.

Your project is amazing. Could you send me the hrp file so I could learn from it??
My e-mail is

Thank you very much

Hi Martyn,
What a fantastic project you have created! Well done! Would be grateful if you could share your HRP file for an android tablet. I am a newbie and would love to create something similar for my HC3 system. My email is


Hi @Martyn_Barnett could you sharing the HRP file with me so I can use as a base, please and thanks

Hello @Martyn_Barnett
What a cool project you have created! I just started with home automation and have a HC3
The app from fibaro certainly leaves a lot to be desired. Now I also want to start with homeremote, Could I also receive the files from you as a basis for my project ?
Greetings Mark