When adding the device I get an error that says “The network connection was lost”
This should have been fixed in the latest release. Do you have 3.15.0 installed? Go to the Settings screen & check.
That was odd, I updated this AM before I created the post… and it was not updated to 3.15.0… i had to go to the website & click on the APP and was redirected to the APP store (IOS) and downloaded 3.15, works great.
Thank you!
Hey guys, picking up on this thread, as I’m experiencing the same problem connecting to Homeseer Hometroller running HS4 Pro Edition I’m on version THR 4.1.4. Any thoughts?
What are you having problems with “myQ” or HomeSeer?
myQ is still working for me & so is HomeSeer, nor have I received any reports of issues with either service. For HS4 you need to create a local account with the same username/password as the MyHS account. If you are having issues with a HS4 upgrade, that is usually the reason.
Got it, thanks Bill!