No finds the equipaments the my3.zipato


When he tries to integrate zipato he only finds the equipment that is in my.zipato and does not find the equipment that is in my3.zipato, is there any way to try to add them?

Best regards,
Mario Sousa

When initially adding Zipato it’ll only automatically generated devices returned from this URL:

What you could do is manually copy 1 of your ZipatoClient device sources & create a new one. You will have to set the HostName property because this will only work locally. When connecting through the cloud, the current integration will always use the my.zipato URL.

Please let me know if this solution works locally. I’ve yet to really do a thorough test of my3.zipato so I don’t know if it’s only a URL change or if the API has also changed. If the API also changed, it might not connect locally either.

This procedure not Work!
below the configuration image.image home

I’m actually working on Zipato V3 right now. Should have a new version posted later today. Maybe hold off for now. I’ll let you know when the update is available.

Designer version 3.2.0 is available. When you add Zipato to the apps or Designer it will include controllers from both &

The Zipato source itself has a new Version property.
-When this is set to V2 it’ll use
-When this is set to V3 it will use