Open Weather Map

I’ve kept this thread in mind because I knew someday my DarSky plugin would stop working… Looks like I’ve got about 3 months (March 31st 2023) until the DarkSky switch is flipped. I’m going to see it to the end and go down with the ship. lol

Hi everyone,

Now that the DarkSky plugin has officially sunset, I thought I’d try to make the OpenWeather plugin work. Is it working for anyone ?
I’m having the same issue as colhemm where:

This doesn’t work:

But this works:,uk&appid=APIKEY



I just tried the example you give of “this doesn’t work” above and it still works for me. Very strange. If I were you, I would dig in to their API docs, and then if I didn’t uncover anything try to contact them and see if you get a response.

Could it be a regional thing? Try my lat/lon and see if you get a response

Doesn’t work. Very odd, looks like any additional parameters such as units, or oncall or lat, … generates an error.
Also, for my call, I get this output. Does that seem like enough parameters for the plugin to be functional ? I don’t have a paid subscription btw, could this be the problem ?

{“coord”:{“lon”:-0.1257,“lat”:51.5085},“weather”:[{“id”:803,“main”:“Clouds”,“description”:“broken clouds”,“icon”:“04n”}],“base”:“stations”,“main”:{“temp”:282.45,“feels_like”:279.81,“temp_min”:280.94,“temp_max”:284.14,“pressure”:1001,“humidity”:82},“visibility”:10000,“wind”:{“speed”:5.14,“deg”:290},“clouds”:{“all”:75},“dt”:1682277371,“sys”:{“type”:2,“id”:268730,“country”:“GB”,“sunrise”:1682225318,“sunset”:1682276927},“timezone”:3600,“id”:2643743,“name”:“London”,“cod”:200}

Thank you.

I think I see the problem. There are actually two types of API calls, one being the older 2.5 version, and the other being the “onecall” 3.0 version. Even though they use the same API key, OpenWeatherMap has to enable the API key they give you separately for the 2.5 or 3.0 calls. Also note that the syntax of the URL is slightly different between the two types, and the results are also slightly different (3.0 returns more stuff). Getting a 3.0 enabled API key also requires the registration of a payment capability, but allows for quite a lot of requests for free.

Check the OpenWeatherMap site (api page) for more information on pricing and the differences between the two types of API calls.

Hello, I’m curious if you were able to get this figured out. I’m at the same place where your 1st link returns an error but the 2nd link works. That said, nothing from the 2nd link populates in the app.


OpenWeatherMap is retiring version 2.5 in June 2024. I have made the changes to the plugins which are in the first post, but you will need to get a new API key. They require you to put a credit card on file and will give you the first 1,000 api calls per day for free, then charge you for subsequent api calls. You can put an api call limit in your settings, so if you limit them to 1,000, then you should never get charged.

Get your new API key and update it in this new plugin. After you sign up for it, it can take up to 24 hours for it to take effect. All instructions are in the first post.