Panasonic AE4000u RS232

Can you try this settings?

DB9 Pin 5 (Ground) → RJ45 Pin 5 (Ground) – Grounding is important
DB9 Pin 3 (Tx) → RJ45 Pin 2 (Rx)
DB9 Pin 2 (Rx) → RJ45 Pin 3 (Tx)

And then try with the crossover for the DB9

Nothing has worked yet, unfortunately.

I am wondering how important it is that all of the other pins are connected or covered in some way. Can they cause issues if left loose inside the adapter?

Have you considered this?


How are you testing? Are you testing with the device connected directly to a PC running a terminal (ie: putty).
Did you find the correct serial parameters for your device like the baud rate, flow control, stop bits, etc…?


I have that info from global cache. And, I always try swapping the rx/tx with whichever pin combo I’m testing.

@Jdamore - I’m using the Global Cache iTest app.

The device (now an iTach WF2SL) is directly connected to the control box for the screen masking.

I have confirmed baud rate and other settings match what is required (Had to buy a new iTach since my old GC-100-12 topped out at 57.6k rate)