Passing Echo Attributes from Hubitat

Hello All,

Is there a way to pass attributes from a Hubitat device into HR? Specifically, I have an Alexa echo connected via Hubitat binded to the media player template I wish to edit to include album artwork. Binding the WebImage to @Device.AudioTrackData.AlbumArtUrl doesn’t seem to work. I also can’t get the Artist or Album attributes to show even tho I can see it all in Hubitat.

I’m still a newbie so I’m sure I’m missing something. Any help would be appreciated.


The only AudioTrackData field that has been implemented for the Hubitat integration is “AudioTrackData.Title” which maps to Hubitat’s “trackDescription”. The docs don’t really list the fields for their “trackData” object so I wasn’t sure how that looked or whether that’s been standardized by them.

Would be able to post the JSON state info for that device?
http://IP_ADDRESS/apps/api/[app id]/devices/[device id]

I can update the next release to include those other AudioTrackData fields based on your JSON.

Hope I did this correctly:

“name”: “Echo Speaks Device”,
“label”: “Great Room Alexa”,
“type”: “Echo Speaks Device”,
“id”: “26”,
“date”: “2021-08-14T01:59:59+0000”,
“model”: null,
“manufacturer”: null,
“capabilities”: [
“attributes”: {
“permissions”: “[reminders, flashBriefing, followUpMode, volumeControl, tuneInRadio, amazonMusic, spotify, alarms, bluetoothControl, announce, iHeartRadio, pandoraRadio, guardSupported, TTS, doNotDisturb, mediaPlayer, isMultiroomMember, wakeWord, siriusXm, microphone, isEchoDevice, appleMusic]”,
“dataType”: “STRING”,
“values”: null,
“volume”: “17”,
“lastSpeakCmd”: “NA”,
“trackImage”: “”,
“mediaSource”: “Apple Music”,
“alexaWakeWord”: “ALEXA”,
“audioTrackData”: “{“title”:“Bad Habits”,“artist”:“Usher”,“albumArtUrl”:“",“mediaSource”:"Apple Music”}”,
“deviceIcon”: “”,
“deviceType”: “A1RABVCI4QCIKC”,
“currentAlbum”: “Usher”,
“wasLastSpokenToDevice”: “true”,
“deviceSerial”: “G090XG08944460X2”,
“doNotDisturb”: “false”,
“supportedMusic”: “Apple Music, SiriusXM, TuneIn, My Library, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio”,
“followUpMode”: “true”,
“btDevicesPaired”: “{“names”:[]}”,
“alarmVolume”: “30”,
“lastAnnouncement”: “NA”,
“alexaPlaylists”: “{}”,
“alexaGuardStatus”: null,
“phraseSpoken”: “can you turn the ipad”,
“trackData”: “{“title”:“Bad Habits”,“artist”:“Usher”,“albumArtUrl”:“",“mediaSource”:"Apple Music”}”,
“lastVoiceActivity”: “can you turn the ipad”,
“level”: “17”,
“mute”: “unmuted”,
“lastUpdated”: “Aug 13, 2021 - 9:59:59 PM”,
“btDeviceConnected”: “None Connected”,
“onlineStatus”: “online”,
“firmwareVer”: “5738696580”,
“status”: “stopped”,
“trackImageHtml”: "<img src=""/>",
“trackDescription”: “Bad Habits”,
“currentStation”: “Apple Music”,
“deviceStyle”: “Echo Dot (Gen3)”,
“lastSpokenToTime”: “1628895160277”,
“deviceFamily”: “ECHO”,
“deviceStatus”: “stopped_echo_dot_gen3”
“commands”: [
“command”: “connectBluetooth”
“command”: “createAlarm”
“command”: “createReminder”
“command”: “deviceNotification”
“command”: “disconnectBluetooth”
“command”: “doNotDisturbOff”
“command”: “doNotDisturbOn”
“command”: “executeRoutineId”
“command”: “executeSequenceCommand”
“command”: “getBluetoothDevices”
“command”: “getDeviceActivity”
“command”: “mute”
“command”: “nextTrack”
“command”: “noOp”
“command”: “parallelPlayAnnouncement”
“command”: “parallelSpeak”
“command”: “pause”
“command”: “play”
“command”: “playAnnouncement”
“command”: “playAnnouncementAll”
“command”: “playCalendarNext”
“command”: “playCalendarToday”
“command”: “playCalendarTomorrow”
“command”: “playFlashBrief”
“command”: “playFunFact”
“command”: “playGoodNews”
“command”: “playJoke”
“command”: “playSingASong”
“command”: “playSoundByName”
“command”: “playTellStory”
“command”: “playText”
“command”: “playText”
“command”: “playTextAndRestore”
“command”: “playTextAndResume”
“command”: “playTrack”
“command”: “playTrack”
“command”: “playTrackAndRestore”
“command”: “playTrackAndResume”
“command”: “playTraffic”
“command”: “playWeather”
“command”: “previousTrack”
“command”: “refresh”
“command”: “removeBluetooth”
“command”: “removeNotification”
“command”: “renameDevice”
“command”: “replayText”
“command”: “restoreLastVolume”
“command”: “restoreTrack”
“command”: “resumeTrack”
“command”: “sayBirthday”
“command”: “sayCompliment”
“command”: “sayGoodMorning”
“command”: “sayGoodNight”
“command”: “sayGoodbye”
“command”: “sayWelcomeHome”
“command”: “searchAmazonMusic”
“command”: “searchAppleMusic”
“command”: “searchIheart”
“command”: “searchMusic”
“command”: “searchPandora”
“command”: “searchSiriusXm”
“command”: “searchSpotify”
“command”: “searchTuneIn”
“command”: “sendAlexaAppNotification”
“command”: “sendAnnouncementToDevices”
“command”: “sendTestAnnouncement”
“command”: “sendTestAnnouncementAll”
“command”: “setAlarmVolume”
“command”: “setLevel”
“command”: “setTrack”
“command”: “setVolume”
“command”: “setVolumeAndSpeak”
“command”: “setVolumeSpeakAndRestore”
“command”: “setWakeWord”
“command”: “speak”
“command”: “speechTest”
“command”: “stop”
“command”: “stopAllDevices”
“command”: “storeCurrentVolume”
“command”: “togglePlayback”
“command”: “unmute”
“command”: “voiceCmdAsText”
“command”: “volumeDown”
“command”: “volumeUp”

So it looks like the trackData is formatted just as it is for SmartThings. I’ll update the integration to include those fields in the next release. Should have that out late next week.

Thanks sooo much Bill!!!

Awesome program!!! This community has been a HUGE help is getting me up and running.

Your support is always appreciated!!!

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Version 4.3.0 is available in the app stores. It has support for Hubitat trackData.