#1 - You should already be able to view your camera stream with the IP Camera device using the default templates. Don’t use CameraDetails.xaml, use IPCameraDetails.xaml. Use the default assigned templates. CameraDetails.xaml includes event history. That’s really only currently supported by Vera connected cameras & Arlo. IPCameraDetails.xaml should work for all IP cameras.
#2 - Every camera manufacturer has their own PTZ implementation. You’re going to have to write a Plugin. I would like to eventually add built-in PTZ support but that’s likely not going to be through the generic IP camera device. Like I said, it’s going to have to be specific for each camera manufacturer. I suggest submitting a feature request & include the make/brand & model number. For the time being, like I said, you can write a plugin assuming you know the API. Here’s one @fargas wrote for his Axis cameras.