Are you loading those 2 revised files I posted? Try those exact files & enter your credentials when prompted. Those are both working fine for me on my Samsung Galaxy S9. When I press “UNLOCK” I can see the button change color.
Does this file work?
hoggin-bottomtabs.hrp (85.5 KB)
This uses bottom tabs. Just another option for you to try.
Sorry, had to wait to respond due to a limitation on posts.
All files worked fine. I just figured out what it was. When I moved my DeviceBrowser around to fix that grid/devicebrowser issue we had before I moved it to the wrong location but once I moved it under a different grid and deleted all unnecessary grids it worked fine.
Again, thank you very much for your help with this. As many have said, its a great platform but its a tough slog to figure it all out.
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