Rotate Phone Question

I know this has been asked before, but not for a while, so I wondered if there was any update or progress on this issue.

What I want to achieve is to ‘change the layout’ when I rotate my phone… so, for example I might have Scenes or Macros on my Portrait page for a particular room or device, but when I rotate the phone I want a detailed “remote control” type of layout.

This used to be possible using OpenRemote or iRule (I cannot remember which), and it was a great feature.

I tried a number of workarounds to achieve this - the closest i got was thinking I could have a canvas on Stretch across the display and then trigger its Visibility based on its width (knowing that its width would change automaticlaly when I rotate) - BUT this didn’t work, since the Width variable doesnt actually change when the phone rotates… it stays at -2 (NaN).

Has anyone come up with any workaround to be able to know if a phone is in portrait or landscape orientation ?


You can’t currently change the visibility of something based on rotation. I could probably add a new system variable like “App.Rotation” to a future release which you can use as a trigger on XAML pages.

That would be awesome Bill because I could set properties based on that variable. I would make a whole canvas invisible and another one visible and therefore have a switched layout on rotate.

Sounds good to me.


Yes please!! I second this request :+1::+1:

In today’s release there’s a new system variable App.Orientation you guys can use to trigger changes on your XAML pages. It will either have a value of Portrait or Landscape.


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Wow this is huge! I can’t wait to use this!!

Oh, very nice @bill. That is going to be a huge feature for mobile device usage…. Bravo!!!

I see it follows the orientation set in the Designer which is great! Is there a way to toggle the orientation without stopping the run-time?

working well on android. One page done… now I gotta rework the rest of my pages.

Not currently. You’ll have to stop & restart the simulator.

@Jdamore i just want to understand your comment above before I have the chance to ‘play’…. Your comment suggests that you can’t dynamically rotate your phone to change the variable? …. Or we’re you just talking about the simulator?

ignore me @Jdamore … i just had a play… it works exactly as I had hoped :slight_smile:

thanks @bill

Does anyone have any examples on how they implemented this?

Yes, sure…

This is my iPhone audio control page… it shows all of the room device volumes/mutes/power controls… and when you rotate the phone it picks up the first room that is currently ON, and gives the media playing information.

This is achieved quite simply by having two full page grids on the canvas, and setting the data trigger for each of them… one for Orientation == Portrait, and one for Orientation == Landscape as shown below;

Let me know if you have any questions… always happy to help.


Thank you very much, sir…it didn’t occur to me you could set the visibility at the grid layer and everything contained would inherit it.