Test_Macro_Unbound.hrp (1.1 MB) Can scenes be activated without a DataAction Device Binding to *.scene? I’ve been experimenting with scenes as macros, and I’m observing one-time scene activation after simulator initialization, despite no explicit *.scene device binding.
As an example, please find attached a THR load Test_Macro_Unbound.hrp. This load simply shows button graphics behavior for a home theater controller, and consists of a single column of so-called “Primary Activities”, and a single row of so-called “Secondary Activities”. I’m testing scene macro behavior by simply assigning Volume preset values to
a VarActivity variable “dBVolumeVar”. Each Activity button assigns distinct values to two additional variables: “PriActVar” and “SecActVar”.
I constructed two scenes: PriActVolMacro (Primary Activity volume assignments) and SecActVolMacro (Secondary Activity volume assignments). Each scene comprises a set of
DataActions that assign a unique (arbitrary) volume, if the associated conditional evaluates “True”. Each set of DataActions, including Conditionals, emulates a poor-man’s
CASE structure, but without BREAKs.
When I fire up the simulator, “dBVolumeVar” initializes to -80 dB and can be viewed in the label text that I bound it to. The first time I click any button, I seem to fire the
corresponding scene macro, since the label text changes. All subsequent button clicks have no further effect. If I reset the simulator and click a different button initially, I
see the label reflect the volume I would ordinarily expect with a *.scene binding.
I’m struggling to understand how I appear to be firing an “unbound” scene once with an initial button click, then no more. Thanks for any insight you can provide.