Set Label text from a mapping list of values

I have a mapping list of action codes with their corresponding description in the script and, given an action code, I would like to show its description in the text of the label (instead of the action code). How can I do this? Many thanks!

When you say Label are you actually referring to the text field of a GridView control?

The GridView & ComboBox are the only 2 controls that can be bound to a list of values. If you are asking about the GridView, you can use the TextMemberPath to control which field is displayed.

Bill, sorry for my last reply, I have been abroad…
What I need is to show a text explanation for each of the status values returned. I guess I can use a GridView to show the corresponding text of a specific value (which is also a text). Do you have any example that I can use as a guide?
Many thanks!