Setters question

Hi all,

Another simple question someone might be able to advise on.

I have a basic heating panel as per the image below.

The idea is when I press on the buttons ie hall it sets the relevant data to the labels in the main heating control which is on the right.
This all works fine but I can’t work out how to set the eventtrigers for the buttons for heat up and down when this button is clicked.
IE I click Hall and it sets all the temp, humid, and setpoint info without issue, however I want it to set the button up and down to scene’s which I have created in fibaro.

If anyone has any ideas, I’ll be greatful!


Use += to turn the heat up & -= to turn the heat down.

You can read more about it here:

Thanks Bill,
My issue seems to be setting the button to the binding i want.
I did just name the dataaction within the eventtrigger then when I click on hall to try send that binding to the button, it says the given key sceneup was not present within the dictionary?

I may be over complicating it and going about it in the wrong way?

If this isn’t a template, you’ll need to replace @Device with your specific device name. That could explain why it’s not finding the key.

Thanks Bill,

Yes that’s correct, however I want to send those binding to the up button bassed on which button I press ie hall will set the binding as hallstat etc.

What is “startup”?

It seems unusual that you would select “Binding” from the dropdown menu. Is that even in the dropdown menu?

Also, Scene is a command only attribute. You can’t write its value into a property. That isn’t going to do anything.

I’m not sure why you are using a PropertyAction for that. You should be using a DataAction

Statup is the name of a datatrigger within the statup button. so in the centre of the page you see the up button.
What I’m trying to do is put the properties within the propertyaction’s you see there and set them into the up button so when I press the up button it runs a scene.
Then when I click lounge, it will set that same ‘up’ button with the Lounge’s properties

I don’t think PropertActions can update properties on DataTriggers. That’s pretty much just reserved for controls visible in the main Outline. You’ll probably have to come up with some other way to do this.

Ah ok that explains it, there was an option for binding so assumed it would set the binding as per the property setter.

Are you able to point me in the direciton of how you would normally use the same button for multiple devices?

Usually that sharing is handled by templates. Groups/DeviceBrowser/PageBrowser all support templates.