Simple API call

This should be pretty easy to solve for you guys.
I would like to display a crypto coin price on my remote - refreshing every 30mins or so.
API call is: “
Return value in json is: {“nemesis-dao”:{“usd”:190.34}}
Just need a label showing: “190.34”

Attached is a plugin showing how to display the value of “nemesis-dao” from CoinGecko.

CoinGecko.hrp (123.1 KB)
CoinGecko.plugin (1.1 KB)
CoinGeckoTile.xaml (1.1 KB)

plugin.Name = "CoinGecko";
plugin.OnChangeRequest = onChangeRequest;
plugin.OnConnect = onConnect;
plugin.OnDisconnect = onDisconnect;
plugin.OnPoll = onPoll;
plugin.OnSynchronizeDevices = onSynchronizeDevices;
plugin.PollingInterval = 1800000;
plugin.DefaultSettings = {};

var http = new HTTPClient();

function onChangeRequest(device, attribute, value) {

function onConnect() {

function onDisconnect() {

function onPoll() {
    for (var deviceId in plugin.Devices) {
        var device = plugin.Devices[deviceId];
        var response = http.get("" + deviceId + "&vs_currencies=usd");
        var json =;
        device.usd = json[deviceId]["usd"];

function onSynchronizeDevices() {
    var coinGeckoDevice = new Device();
    coinGeckoDevice.Id = "nemesis-dao";
    coinGeckoDevice.DisplayName = "Nemesis DAO";
    coinGeckoDevice.Capabilities = [];
    coinGeckoDevice.Attributes = ["usd"];
    coinGeckoDevice.TileTemplate = "CoinGeckoTile.xaml";
    plugin.Devices[coinGeckoDevice.Id] = coinGeckoDevice;

WOW! That was fast!
It works!
Thanks so much!

Got another one of those…

Entering this:
gets this:

  "ethereum": {
    "usd": 1712.08,
    "usd_24h_change": -3.2755194542350505

What I would like to get out of this is a simple button/image change.
If "usd_24h_change" is a negative number --> show ethereum_red.png
If "usd_24h_change" is a positive number --> show ethereum_green.png

Doable? THX