Simple IP camera connection issues

Running into an unexpected problem with my IP cameras ( 4 X D-link DCS02330L).
The IP user interface is simply http://user:pw@IP:80/video/mjpg.cgi.
It works perfectly in my browser, VLC, and my QNAP NAS. I’m just getting started with the home remote and setup some auto groups, including the IP cameras. Each camera is configured as follows:


They are loaded in the camera group, and each is using the default IPCameraTile.xaml and IPCameraDetails.xaml settings.

When I load the page (both in the simulator and on 2 different ipads), I see a brief flicker of the camera’s image, and then nothing- no further image. This is the same result whether I view multiple or single cameras per page, both as thumbnail and full screen. Same error has persisted over a few days, devices and cameras have been reset. Everything else in the remote works fine, and the feeds are still accessible to other methods.

Anything I’m overlooking, or suggestions to offer? Thanks.

Any chance you can set up port forwarding on 1 of these streams so I can go online with it & troubleshoot?

If you rather not, try the snapshot URL. I believe it is “image/jpeg.cgi” for those cameras. Or you can wait a week or 2 for the next release. I’m working on a new ONVIF integration & some significant updates to RTSP streaming on all platforms.

I suppose I could if you think it would really be helpful. Has this been a common issue?
The cameras support an RTSP stream, but I’ve never used it. Do you expect the new release will address some bugs with the mjpg streaming as well? I suppose a new platform is a new platform, so may be promising.

Not that I’m aware of. MJPG streaming is working fine for my cameras. I’m not currently working on any HTTP MJPG changes but if I find a bug when I connect to your camera I’ll definitely include a fix for that as well.

Hmm, oddly another camera reboot seems to have corrected the issue. Good old technology, :thinking:

Why don’t I run with it for a bit and see if it becomes a recurrent issue and I’ll let you know. Thanks for the offers to debug! And I’m loving the program so far!

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So 24 hours later the same connectivity problem has returned. Fixed by a simple camera reboot. Only affects the Home Remote connection, no others, so I’m not sure why that would be. If it makes a difference, I’m not currently running an always on panel, just booting one up periodically as I’m still developing what I’d like it to look like.

My offer from earlier still stands.

Here’s a website that shows how to set up port forwarding in case you’ve never done that before.

Hi Bill
I have the same issue, I load camera device by group. Adding device is ok, but I can not see the stream, page shows as attach image . My cameras are imou, and Hik. They work well if I add manually by MediaElement .

Have you guys tried the OnVif plug-in?

HI Eman
I add camera from Devices, there are two kinds : IPcamera and Onvif. I tried both and really watch the camera by Media element. My issue, if I add camera device to group, they does not show anything.
Thank you!

Your manual streams with the MediaElement are likely using a different URL than ONVIF. You should try to find the actual URL that Profile000 is using. The Home Remote only supports MJPEG & H.264. If Profile000 is a H.265 stream, it’s not going to work. There are different ways of finding the URL. This Windows software ONVIF Device Manager has a “Live Video” view & it will show you your URL below the video.

Hi Bill,
My camera works well in both IPCamera and Onvif if I draw a Media Element in a Page.xaml. But I can not see camera stream if I add it to Device Group, then call it by an item in Grid view ( I copy your example) . So I think the RTSP or Onvif link from camera is ok.

Just a commend. I had the issue with some of my camera as well. I had to many stream. It was Tapo Camera. ( 6 tablets, Home Assistant etc. Its was kind of random when i could see the camera.
Maybe this is the issue. ( It was the camera who could not handle it)

Br Martin

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Ok, so based on what you are saying, it doesn’t sound like an ONVIF or camera issue then. Most likely something in your page configuration. Tough to say what it is.

There are easier ways to do groups now. That’s a pretty old example you have. And based on the fact that you are using an old customized example, we really cannot definitively say it’s a Groups issue. My recommendation is that everyone start with the apps 1st. Don’t jump right into the Designer. Take that out of the equation. Reset/reinstall the app & pair your cameras to it. If your streams work with the built-in default app layouts, then we know it’s not a Groups issue.

Hi Bill
I tried again , reinstall the app ( but I don’t know how to take out of the equation, the app still load Desinger). Actually, I am happy with Media Element added my layout which is working well so I don’t want to disturb you more. But if you need my assistant regarding this issue, just give me your instruction.
Thank you for your kindly support!

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